Ohm’s Law Calculator by ElectroBuddy

Welcome to the ohms law calculator by ElectroBuddy. Whether you’re a professional electrician, a student, or simply someone who wants to understand the basics of electricity, this Ohm’s Law Calculator tool is the perfect solution for you. This tool will help you calculate the voltage, current, resistance, and power in a circuit, making your work more accurate. With its user-friendly interface and intuitive design, this tool is sure to be a valuable resource for anyone who needs to understand Ohm’s Law.

Ohm's Law Calculator

How to use ohm’s law calculator:

Input any 2 values and this tool will calculate the remaining 2 for you.
use Calculate button to calculate the values
use Reset button to reset the input fields

V = IR
P = VI

P = Power in Watts
V = Voltage in Volts
I = Current in Amps
R = Resistance in Ohms

Ohm's Law

Ohm’s Law states that the current passing through a conductor between two points is directly proportional to the voltage across the two points and inversely proportional to the resistance between them. Mathematically, it can be expressed as:

I = V / R


I = current (in Amperes)

V = voltage (in Volts)

R = resistance (in Ohms)

This simple relationship forms the foundation for many electrical and electronic applications and is widely used in the design, analysis, and troubleshooting of electrical circuits.

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